Chapter 2: ECDA Option for ODBC


ECDA Option for ODBC is Open Server-based software that supports Client-Library™ and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) application programming interfaces (APIs). A local area network (LAN)-based middleware server, it provides access to non-Sybase data and applications and basic connectivity to ODBC-accessible data sources.

ECDA Option for ODBC serves as a fundamental building block for highly-scalable database middleware applications. In addition, ECDA Option for ODBC can be used with other Sybase products, such as Adaptive Server Enterprise/Component Integrated Services (ASE/CIS), Data Integration (DI) Suite, Replication Server, and Replication Server Options.

NoteFor access to additional databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, DB2 UDB, and others, you must obtain and install the necessary ODBC driver separately, on the same server as ECDA Option for ODBC, and configure ECDA Option for ODBC to use that ODBC driver for access to the database. It is important when working with non-Sybase provided, third-party ODBC drivers to carefully integrate and test them to be sure they meet your needs.