Inbound Database Volume

An example that calculates the inbound database volume.

Based on the InboundTableVolumes calculated, you can calculate the InboundDatabaseVolume using the upper bound formula:
InboundDataBaseVolume = sum(InboundTableVolume) + InboundTransactionVolume
  • TransactionVolume is the sum of the Message begin and Message commit pairs (250 bytes + 200 bytes) times the TransactionRate.

  • The transaction rates for each database are from the Transaction rates.

Thus, the InboundDatabaseVolumes are:
InboundDatabaseVolumeDB1 = 23K + 14K +
 (450 bytes/tran * 20 tran/sec) = 46K/sec
InboundDatabaseVolumeDB2 = 19K + 
 (450 bytes/tran * 20 tran/sec) = 28K/sec