
Creates the subscriptions at the replicate Replication Server using the no-materialization method. Use this method when you do not need to load data at the replicate site.

To ensure proper subscription migration, you must create two subscriptions for upd_pub_title.
-- Execute this script at SF data servers
 -- Creates subscription for del_pub_title, ins_pub_title,
        and upd_pub_title
 create subscription del_pub_title_sub
 for del_pub_title
 with replicate at SF_DS.pubs2
 where @state='CA'
 without materialization
create subscription ins_pub_title_sub
 for ins_pub_title
 with replicate at SF_DS.pubs2
 where @state='CA'
 without materialization
create subscription upd_pub_title_sub1
 for upd_pub_title
 with replicate at SF_DS.pubs2
 where @state='CA'
 without materialization
create subscription upd_pub_title_sub2
 for upd_pub_title
 with replicate at SF_DS.pubs2
 where @old_state ='CA'
 without materialization
 /* end of script */