Reference Replication Environment Implementation

Replication Server includes a toolset for quickly setting up a reference implementation of Adaptive Server-to-Adaptive Server or Oracle-to-Oracle replication using the products available in your environment.

You can implement a replication environment to demonstrate Replication Server features and functionalities. Use the toolset to:

  1. Build a reference environment containing Replication Server and the primary and replicate databases.

  2. Configure the replication environment.

  3. Perform simple transactions on the primary database and replicate the changes by database level replication.

  4. Collect statistics and monitors counters from the replication processing in step 3.

  5. Clean up the reference replication environment.

The reference implementation toolset consists of scripts that are in $SYBASE/refimp.

Note: The reference implementation builds a replication environment containing a single Replication Server, primary database server, and replicate database server. You cannot configure the reference environment topology for multiple replication system components.