Sample RepAgent Error Messages

Common RepAgent error messages and possible solutions.

  • In this example, the RepAgent login name is not present on the Replication Server:
    RepAgent(6): Failed to connect to Replication
    Server. Please check the Replication Server,
    username, and password specified to
    sp_config_rep_agent. RepSvr = repserver_name, user =
    RepAgent(6): This Rep Agent Thread is aborting due
    to an unrecoverable communications or Replication
    Server error.

    You must either add RepAgent’s login name to Replication Server or change RepAgent’s login name.

  • In this example, RepAgent cannot connect to Replication Server:
    RepAgent(7): The Rep Agent Thread will retry the
    connection to the Replication Server every 60
    second(s). (RepSvr = repserver_name.)

    Check Replication Server status. If Replication Server is down, resolve the problem and restart. Otherwise, wait for a possible network problem to resolve.