Cross-Platform Dump and Load

You can use cross-platform dump and load to initialize a standby database with a RepAgent.

  1. On the active database:
    1. Stop the RepAgent with sp_stop_rep_agent database.
    2. Remove the secondary truncation point with dbcc settrunc(‘ltm’, ‘ignore’).
    3. Set the database in single-user mode in Adaptive Server.
      sp_dboption database_name, ‘single user’, true
    4. Checkpoint the database.
    5. Dump the database transaction log by executing in Adaptive Server:
      dump tran database_name with truncate_only
    6. Obtain a dump of the database.
  2. On the standby database:
    1. Load the dump you obtained from the standby database.

      Sybase recommends that you run sp_post_xpload to check and rebuild indexes even if the endian types of the platforms are the same.

    2. Dump the transaction log to delete the log records that sp_post_xpload creates:
      dump tran database_name with truncate_only
    3. Execute the Adaptive Server sp_indsuspect system procedure to check user tables for indexes marked as suspect.
    4. Rebuild suspect indexes if required. If there is a change in characterset or sort order, you must execute sp_indsuspect and rebuild indexes again until sp_indsuspect does not show any tables with suspect indexes.
    5. Execute dbcc settrunc ('ltm', 'valid') to restore the secondary truncation point in the database log followed by rs_zeroltm to reset the database locater value to zero.
      Executing these commands allows RepAgent to start at the secondary truncation point.
    6. Start RepAgent with sp_start_rep_agent database.
See “Dumping and loading databases across platforms,” in Chapter 11 “Developing a Backup and Recovery Plan” in the Adaptive Server Enterprise System Administration Guide Volume 2.