Command Conversion

Use command conversion to alter the replication of certain commands either for all or for selected replicated tables.

Use command conversion to:

Use dsi_command_convert to specify how to convert a replicate command.

A combination of these operations specifies the type of conversion:

The combinations of operations for dsi_command_convert are: The operation before conversion precedes the "2" and the operations after conversion are after the "2."
Remember: You must type the number 2.
Use dsi_command_convert with alter connection to specify command conversion for a database connection . For example:
alter connection to SYDNEY_DS.pubs2
set dsi_command_convert to ‘i2di,u2di’
The default is none which means there is no command conversion. Set dsi_command_convert to none to remove the current dsi_command_convert setting for a connection or a table. For example, to remove the setting for a database connection:
alter connection to SYDNEY_DS.pubs2
set dsi_command_convert to ‘none’
Use dsi_command_convert with alter connection and the for replicate table named clause to specify command conversion for a table. For example, to prevent the replication of delete commands for the authors table:
alter connection to SYDNEY_DS.pubs2
for replicate table named authors
set dsi_command_convert to ‘d2none’
Note: The setting at the table level overrides the setting at the database level except when you specify none at the table level. Then Replication Server uses the setting at the database level.