Coordinator Thread

When you enable multiple scanners, RepAgent spawns a coordinator thread that coordinates internal activities.

The coordinator coordinates activities such as:
The coordinator displays as "REP AGENT" when you enter sp_who at the primary Adaptive Server. For example, if there is one default path and one alternate replication path and you enable multiple scanners, you see two sender threads, two scanner threads, and one coordinator thread:
fid  spid   status      loginame   origname  hostname                    
---  ----  ----------  --------  --------  --------
0    21    background  NULL      NULL      NULL              
0    22    background  NULL      NULL      NULL          
0    23    background  NULL      NULL      NULL          
0    24    background  NULL      NULL      NULL          
0    25    background  NULL      NULL      NULL          

blk_spid  dbname  tempdbname  cmd                             
--------  ------  ----------  ----------------  
0         primdb  tempdb      REP AGENT
0         primdb  tempdb      REPAGENT SENDER
0         primdb  tempdb      REPAGENT SENDER
0         primdb  tempdb      REPAGENT SCANNER
0         primdb  tempdb      REPAGENT SCANNER

block_xloid  threadpool
-----------  ----------
0            NULL
0            NULL
0            NULL
0            NULL
0            NULL