Setting the Number of Send Buffers

Set the maximum number of send buffers that the scanner and sender tasks of multithreaded RepAgent can use.

You can set the number of send buffers when you enable multithreaded RepAgent or even after you complete the process of enabling and configuring RepAgent for multi-path replication.

At the primary Adaptive Server, enter:
sp_config_rep_agent dbname, 'number of send buffers', 'num_of_send_buffers'
where dbname is the Adaptive Server primary database.
For example, to set the number of send buffers to 40 for the pdb1 database, enter:
sp_config_rep_agent pdb1, 'number of send buffers', '40'

The default for number of send buffers is 50 buffers. You can set values between 1 and the value of MAXINT which is 2,147,483,647. The parameter is dynamic; you need not restart RepAgent.

Each send buffer is the same size, which you can set using the send buffer size RepAgent parameter. See Replication Server Reference Manual > Adaptive Server Commands and System Procedures > sp_config_rep_agent.