Setting the Memory Available to RepAgent

You must provide sufficient memory for the RepAgent thread in Adaptive Server before you enable and configure multiple RepAgent sender threads.

The default size for the memory pool dedicated to the RepAgent thread in Adaptive Server is 4096 pages.

  1. Display the current RepAgent thread pool size and the settings of other RepAgent thread parameters. At the primary Adaptive Server, enter:
    sp_configure 'Rep Agent Thread administration'
    You see:
    Group: Rep Agent Thread Administration
    Parameter       Default  Memory  Config  Run    Unit      Type
    Name                     Used    Value   Value
    enable rep      0        0       1       1      switch    dynamic
    agent threads
    replication     4096     8194    4096    4096   memory    dynamic
    agent memory                                    pages(2k)
    This example shows that enable rep agent threads is a dynamic parameter that you switch on or off. Changes to dynamic parameters do not require a RepAgent restart.
  2. Change the memory that Adaptive Server allocates to the RepAgent thread pool.
    For example, to set the pool size to 8194 pages, at the primary Adaptive Server enter :
    sp_configure 'replication agent memory size', 8194
    You see:
    Group: Rep Agent Thread Administration
    Parameter       Default  Memory  Config  Run    Unit      Type
    Name                     Used    Value   Value
    replication     4096     16430   8194    8194   memory    dynamic
    agent memory                                    pages(2k)
    (1 row affected)
    Configuration option changed. ASE need not be rebooted since the option is dynamic.
    Changing the value of 'replication agent memory size' to '8194' increases the amount of memory ASE uses by 8236 K.