Object Binding and Replication of DDL Statements

You can send DDL statements either over the default replication path or over all paths for any object that is not bound to a path.

With DDL replication, when you bind an object such as a table to a specific replication path by setting distribution by object binding, any DDL statement that includes the object, uses the specified replication path. If the DDL statement includes any object that you have not bound to a path, the statement uses either the default replication path or all active replication paths according to the setting for ddl path for unbound objects.

Similarly, with distribution by filter, when the filter is bound to a path, any DDL statement that includes the object the filter applies to, also uses the specified replication path. If the DDL statement includes any object that a filter applies to but the filter is not bound to a path, the statement uses either the default replication path or all active replication paths according to the setting for ddl path for unbound objects.

Use ddl path for unbound objects with sp_config_rep_agent:
sp_config_rep_agent dbname, 'ddl path for unbound objects', {'all' | 'default'}
The default setting is all.
There is no default replication path when you set distribution by connection. Therefore, if you set ddl path for unbound objects to: