Displaying Primary Connection Information

Use the primary parameter with admin show_connections to display information on all primary connections.

For example, at the Replication Server controlling the primary databases in the SALES_DS data server, enter:
admin show_connections, 'primary'
You see:
Connection Name     Server        Database     User             
----------------    ----------    ---------    ----------         
SALES_DS.pdb        SALES_DS      pdb          pdb_maint        
SALES_DS.pdb_conn2  SALES_DS      pdb          pdb_maint

SALES_DS.pdb is the default connection between the Replication Server and the pdb database of the SALES_DS data server because the connection name matches the combination of the data server and database names.

SALES_DS.pdb_conn2 is an alternate connection between the Replication Server and the pdb database of the SALES_DS data server because the connection name does not match the combination of the data server and database names.

Optionally, use the rs_databases system table to list both default and alternate connections to the Replication Server.