Error and Warning Messages

Errors and warning messages in the Replication Server error log.

The format of messages other than informational messages is:
severity, date. ERROR #error_number thread_name(context) - source_file(line) message

If the message is a warning, “ERROR” in the format becomes “WARNING.”

The parameters are:

Note: Replication Server places question marks (?) in messages when specific information is not available. For example, if an error occurs during initialization, Replication Server may not yet have completed some internal structures, so it prints question marks in place of information it has not yet collected.
This is a Replication Server error log entry for a data server:
E. 95/11/01 05:30:52. ERROR #1028 DSI(SYDNEY_DS.pubs2)
- dsiqmint.c(3522)Message from server:
 Message: 2812, State: 4, Severity: 16 --
 ’Stored procedure ’upd_authors’ not found.
H. 95/11/01 05:30:53. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049
DSI(SYDNEY_DS.pubs2) - dsiqmint.c(3529)
The DSI thread for database ’SYDNEY_DS.pubs2’ is being
shutdown because of error action mapped from data server
error ’2812’. The error was caused by output command ’1’
mapped from source command ’2’ of the transaction.

The messages indicate that Adaptive Server returned error number 2812, causing Replication Server to take the stop_replication action. You can assign other actions for data server errors.