Drop Function Strings

To discard a customized function string in a derived class and restore the function string from the parent class, drop the function string.

Use the drop function string command to remove one or more function strings in a function-string class.

Warning!  If you want to drop and re-create a function string, use alter function string to replace an existing function string with a new one. Dropping and then re-creating a function string by other methods can lead to a state where the function string is temporarily missing. If a transaction that uses this function string occurs between the time the function string is dropped and the time it is re-created, Replication Server detects the function string as missing and fails the transaction.

When you drop the function string from a derived class, you restore the function string from the parent class.

See Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server Commands > drop function string.

You can also drop customized function strings from the system-provided class rs_sqlserver_function_class.

To restore a default function string for a function string with replication-definition scope that you have dropped, use the alter function string command to omit the output clause.

Related concepts
Restore Default Function Strings