Changing Primary Databases to Replicate Databases

You can change the primary database to a replicate database.

At the:

  1. Current replicate Replication Server.
    1. Drop all subscriptions and publication subscriptions to the replication definitions in this database.
  2. Current primary Replication Server.
    1. Drop all replication definitions defined for this database.
  3. Adaptive Server.
    1. Shut down RepAgent:
      sp_stop_rep_agent dbname
    2. Disable RepAgent:
      sp_config_rep_agent dbname, disable
  4. Replication Server
    1. Log in to the Replication Server that manages the database and execute alter connection using the log transfer off option:
      alter connection to data_server.database
      set log transfer off
  5. Adaptive Server
    1. Set the status of rs_marker to “false:”
      sp_setrepproc rs_marker, 'false'
    2. Set the replicate status of all replicated objects to “false”:
      1. Execute sp_setreptable and sp_setrepproc without arguments to generate a list of all replicated tables and stored procedures respectively, in the database.

      2. One by one, set the replicate status of each table and stored procedure to “false,” using sp_setreptable and sp_setrepproc.