Alter Replication Definitions

You may need to alter a replication definition after a column has been added to a primary table or if a destination database requires a column that was not specified in the original replication definition.

In most instances, you alter replication definitions in conjunction with changing database schema in the source or destination table. Be sure to coordinate schema changes between the source and destination sites.

Replication Server may create a new replication definition version when you alter a replication definition. When that happens, Replication Server changes the name of the old replication definition version to a unique name with a “rs_drp” prefix. Replication Server treats replication definitions with names prefixed with “rs_drp” or “rs_in” as internal replication definitions.

Replication Server deletes an internal replication definition when the data associated with the replication definition is no longer in the replication system.

To exclude internal replication definitions from a query to the rs_objects table, add to the where clause of the query:

and objname not like ‘rs_drp%’ and objname not like

For example, this query returns the name of all replication definitions created against the ling.authors primary table, and excludes the internal replication definitions:

select objname from rs_objects where prsid = 16777317
and dbid = 104 and phys_tablename = 'authors' and
phys_objowner = 'ling' and objname not like 'rs_drp%'
and objname not like 'rs_in%
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Modify Replicated Data