Use the create replication definition Command

Use create replication definition to describe to Replication Server the characteristics of a table you want to replicate.

Execute create replication definition at the Replication Server that manages the source table database, or you can use the rs_send_repserver_cmd stored procedure with the create replication definition clause to execute replication definition change requests directly at the primary database.

A replication definition must include the name of the source data server and database.

This example shows how to create a basic replication definition named publishers for source and destination tables with the same name. The primary database is pubs2 managed by the TOKYO_DS data server. All of the table columns are included and the pub_id column is specified as the primary key.
create replication definition publishers
with primary at TOKYO_DS.pubs2
(pub_id char(4), pub_name varchar(40),
city varchar(20), state char(2))
primary key (pub_id)

See Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server Commands > create replication definition for complete command syntax and usage guidelines.

Related concepts
Execute Replication Definition Changes Directly at the Primary Database