Recreating In-Memory and Relaxed-Durability Databases From a Dump After an Adaptive Server Shutdown

You can restore the data from the dump because the in-memory and relaxed-durability databases are recreated when you restart Adaptive Server.

  1. Repopulate the recreated replicate in-memory or relaxed-durability database with a new dump or from any archived dumps taken from the replicate database.
    Note: If the dump is not loaded from the dump of the source, there will be missing rows in the replicate tables.
    For example, to load the tokyo_db database from the original tokyo_db.source dump when the host Adaptive Server restarts:
    use master
    sp_dboption tokyo_db, single, true
    load database tokyo_db from '/databases/dump/tokyo_db.dump'
    online database tokyo_db
    sp_dboption tokyo_db, single, false
  2. Resume the connection to the recreated replicate in-memory or relaxed-durability database.