Creating and Enabling the Maintenance User Role

Create the maintenance user role and grant privileges that allow the role to apply operations to the user database the maintenance user is going to manage.

  1. Start isql as the user with system security officer privileges on the Adaptive Server with the master database:
    isql –Usso_user -Ppassword -Sdata_server_name
  2. Create the maintenance user role in the Adaptive Server master database and grant the permissions that apply to all operations:
    use master
    create role rs_maint_user_role
  3. Grant proxy authorization to the maintenance user role:
    grant set session authorization to rs_maint_user_role
  4. Grant database-wide privileges to allow the maintenance user acting as the database owner, to execute operations on the user database that the maintenance user is going to manage:
    use database_name
    grant manange database permission to dbo
    See the Privileges Managed by manage database permissions Privilege table in Adaptive Server Enterprise Security Administration Guide > Using Granular Permissions > Permission Management > manage database permissions Privilege for a list of the database-wide privileges.