Upgrading Replication Server to Use LDAP User Authentication

Use sysadmin ldap and configure replication server to configure the LDAP user authentication.

  1. In upgraded Replication Server installations, configure LDAP user authentication.
    1. Test the LDAP server connection:
      sysadmin ldap check_url, 'ldapurl' [,'dn', 'pwd']
    2. Specify the LDAP server URL and values for an administrative access account:
      sysadmin ldap
      set_primary_url, 'ldapurl'
      set_access_acct, 'dn', 'password'
      • ldapurl – is the primary LDAP server URL.
      • dn – is the distinguished name (DN) of the administrative LDAP account. Each user entry in an LDAP server has a unique identifier called the distinguished name.
      • password – is the password of an LDAP user.
    3. Configure the user_authentication_source to LDAP only:
      configure replication server 
      set user_authentication_source to 'ldap'
  2. Add users for the replication system in the LDAP directory server using the vendor-supplied documentation.
  3. Add the same set of users that you have added in step 2 using the create user command in Replication Server.
    Note: If the LDAP user authentication is enabled, you cannot use the password specified with the create user, set password command. The password is synchronized from the LDAP server when the user is authenticated.

    See sysadmin ldap and configure replication server in the Replication Server Reference Manual.