Changes you can make to the replication definition

You can alter the replication definition in one of the following ways:

NoteFunction strings with replication definition scope are not automatically altered when you add columns to a table or to a replication definition. In certain cases, you must alter the function strings manually. See “Managing function strings” on page 32 in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2.

Use alter replication definition at the primary Replication Server where you created the replication definition, or use rs_send_repserver_cmd at the primary database to send the alter replication definition request. See “Creating replication definitions” for more information about what you can include in a replication definition.

Refer to Chapter 3, “Replication Server Commands” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for more information about alter replication definition command.

Examples follow for different scenarios of altering replication definitions using alter replication definition.