Changing routes

You can change a direct route’s topology, user name, password, and certain configuration parameters from Sybase Central or with the alter route command. You cannot change an indirect route’s parameters with alter route.

The syntax for alter route is:

alter route to dest_replication_server{
	set next site [to] thru_replication_server |
	set username [to] 'user' set password [to] 'passwd' |
	set password [to] 'passwd' |
	set route_param [to] 'value' |
	set security_param [to] 'value' |
	set security_services [to] 'default'}

Refer to “Managing network-based security” for information about configuring security parameters for routes.

This section provides procedures and examples for using alter route to change a route’s topology, user name, and route configuration parameters. There is also a routing modification example.

Follow these steps when altering a route:

  1. Suspend the route.

  2. Execute alter route.

  3. Resume the route. You must resume the route for the changes to take effect.