Monitoring materialization and dematerialization

Subscriptions pass through phases before they are fully set up or removed from the replication system. The phases for setting up a subscription are:

The phases for removing subscription data, using the drop subscription command, are:

Materialization or dematerialization can fail during any of these stages. This is why you need to monitor the progress of a subscription using the check subscription command. See “Using the check subscription command” for more information. In addition to the check subscription command, you can use the admin who command to check the status of the Replication Server threads processing the subscription. For atomic and nonatomic materialization, Replication Server builds a materialization queue that contains rows to be added to the replicate table. The admin who, sqm command can monitor queue activity, and the admin who, dsi command can show you whether the DSI thread is running.

Refer to Chapter 3, “Replication Server Commands,” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for information about executing admin who and interpreting its results.

Refer to the Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide for comprehensive troubleshooting information that details the status of a subscription and suggested actions.