start heartbeat

Sets up and starts a heartbeat process from a specified primary connection to a specified replicate connection.


start heartbeat from pds.pdb to rds.rdb
	[set interval [to] hb_interval]
	[set maximum rows [to] max_rows]
	[do not load rs_ticket_report]




  • To set up the heartbeat, the RMS uses the user name that was provided when the server was added to the domain. The user names must have the correct permissions to create the table and stored procedure at the replicate database, configure the DSI at the replicate Replication Server, and execute the rs_ticket stored procedure at the primary database.

  • The RMS can create only one heartbeat between a primary and replicate database. The RMS generates an error if a heartbeat already exists.

  • The RMS does not delete an rms_ticket_history table if one already exists, but assumes that another heartbeat from a different primary database is already executing.

  • The RMS assumes that the replicate database is set-up to receive data from the Replication Server and it neither checks for subscriptions nor generates a new one. Replication Server version must be at least 12.6.

  • The Replication Server requires that the replicate database must have at least one subscription against a table, stored procedure, or database before the replicate Replication Server sends the rs_ticket information. The subscription does not have to be against any specific table or stored procedure. In case there is no subscription, rs_ticket functions in a warm-standby environment.

Related reference
get heartbeat
get heartbeat tickets
stop heartbeat