create request function replication definition

Creates a request function replication definition and a user-defined function for a stored procedure that is to be replicated. The request function is applied at the replicate database by the same user who executes the stored procedure at the primary database.


create request function replication definition repdef_name
        with primary at dataserver.database
        with primary function named ‘func_name’
        with replicate function named ‘func_name’
        ([@param_name datatype [, @param_name datatype]…])
        [searchable parameters (@param_name [, @param_name]…)]
         [send standby {all | replication definition} parameters]




  • Use create request function replication definition to describe a stored procedure that you want to replicate. The difference between the applied function replication definition and the request function replication definition is that the function replicated through an applied function replication definition is executed at the replicate site by the maintenance user while the function replicated through a request function replication definition is executed at the replicate site by the same user who executes the primary function at the primary site. For an overview of replicated stored procedures, see the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.

  • When you create a request function replication definition for a primary function, make sure that the function does not already have an existing function replication definition that satisfies both these conditions:
    • Was created using the create function replication definition command

    • The function replication definition is used for the request function replication without subscription in Replication Server 15.0.1 and earlier version

    If these conditions are true, the existing request function replication definition is disabled. See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 for more information about request function replication definition in Replication Server 15.0.1 and earlier.

  • Execute the create request function replication definition command at the Replication Server that manages the database where the primary stored procedure is stored.

  • Before executing create request function replication definition, be sure that:
    • The function replication definition name is unique in the replication system. Replication Server cannot always enforce this requirement when you use create request function replication definition.

    • A connection exists from the Replication Server to the database where the primary data is stored. See create connection. You can also create connections using rs_init; see the Replication Server Installation Guide and the Replication Server Configuration Guide for your platform.

    • The name, parameters, and datatypes you specify for the function replication definition must match those of the stored procedure involved. Only the parameters specified in the function replication definition are replicated.

  • Replication Server distributes the new function replication definition to qualifying sites through the replication system. The changes do not appear immediately at all such sites because of normal replication system lag time.

User-Defined Functions and Function Strings

  • When you create a request function replication definition, Replication Server automatically creates a corresponding user-defined function. Similarly, in rs_sqlserver_function_class, Replication Server automatically creates a default function string for the user-defined function.

  • You can customize the function string in rs_sqlserver_function_class and in user-defined function-string classes using create function string.

  • For each user-created base function-string class in which the user-defined function will be used, and for each derived class that inherits from such a class, you must create a function string, using create function string. The function string should invoke a stored procedure or RPC, with language appropriate for the replicate data server.

  • For an overview of function-string classes, function strings, and functions, see the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2.

with primary at Clause

Use the with primary at clause to specify the primary data server and database. The primary database is the database that contains the invoked primary stored procedure.

with replicate function named Clause

Use the with replicate function named clause to specify the name of the stored procedure you want to execute at the destination database where you are delivering the replicated function. If you do not use with replicate function named when you create or alter the function replication definition, the function is delivered as a stored procedure with the same name as the function replication definition. In a warm standby database, the stored procedure has the same name as in the active database so with replicate function named is ignored.

A round-trip replication enables a database to send a data change request to another database and to replicate the data change back to the requesting database. See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for more information about how to set up a round-trip replication with both applied and request function replication definitions.

Request Function Replication Definitions for HDS Parameters

Although you cannot create function replication definitions that alter the datatype of a parameter’s value, you can use HDS datatype definitions to declare parameters for request function replication definitions. The declared parameters are subjected to class-level translations.

See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for more information about HDS.

Altering Function Replication Definitions

  • Use alter request function replication definition to add parameters or searchable parameters to an existing request function replication definition. You can also specify a different replicate name for the function.

  • To remove or rename parameters in function replication definition, drop all subscriptions to the function replication definition. After dropping the subscriptions, drop the function replication definition and re-create it.

Subscribing to Function Replication Definitions

To subscribe to a request function replication definition, use create subscription with the without materialization clause, or use define subscription and the other commands involving bulk materialization.

Creating Multiple Replication Definitions

  • You can create multiple request function replication definitions for the same primary function, and customize each one so that it can be subscribed to by a different replicate function. See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for details.

  • Different request function replication definitions created for the same primary function must use the same parameter with same name and the same datatype.

  • A request function replication definition can only be subscribed to Replication Servers version 15.1.

  • The same primary function can have applied function replication definitions or request function replication definitions, but not both. The function replication definition created with the create function replication definition command is considered as an applied function at the primary Replication Server where the function is created.

  • In a warm standby database, the stored procedure has the same name as the active database, and the with replicate function named clause is ignored. If one of the request function replication definition is created with the send standby replication definition parameters clause, the parameters specified in the function replication definition are delivered to the standby database. Otherwise, all of the parameters in the primary function are delivered.

  • In an MSA environment, if there is no function replication definition for a primary function created with the send standby clause, the function delivered to the replicate database has the same name as the primary function with all the primary function’s parameters. Otherwise, the function delivered to the replicate database has the name specified in the with replicate function named clause of that function replication definition, and with parameters specified in the same function replication definition.


create request function replication definition requires “create object” permission.

Related reference
alter applied function replication definition
alter function string
alter request function replication definition
create applied function replication definition
create connection
create function string
define subscription
drop function replication definition