
Deletes a range of transactions identified by originating site or user , or destination site in the exceptions log in the rs_exceptscmd, rs_exceptshdr, and rs_systext system tables.


{{"origin"|"org"}, "origin_data_server.origin_database" | 
, {"destination"|"dest"}, "destination_data_server.destination_database" | 
, "user", "origin_user"}




  • You can enter only one parameter and the corresponding value at a time. For example, you cannot enter "org", "origin_dataserver.origin_database" followed by "user", "origin_user".
  • You must enter a parameter and specify a value. If you do not specify any parameter, rs_delexception_range displays an error message. See the Origin Site, Dest. Site, and Dest. User columns when you execute rs_helpexception or rs_delexception with no parameters, to obtain a current list of values for the respective columns for valid transaction in the exceptions log.

  • If you enter only "origin", "destination", or "user" with rs_delexception_range, and do not specify the corresponding values, rs_delexception_range displays an error message.

  • rs_delexception_range displays an error message if the command you enter does not result in any transactions being deleted.
Related reference