
Sets or displays the replication status for text, unitext, or image columns.


sp_setrepcol table_name [, {column_name | null}
	 [, {do_not_replicate | always_replicate | replicate_if_changed}]]
              [, use_index]




  • Use sp_setrepcol to specify how text, unitext, or image columns are replicated after you have enabled replication for the table with sp_setreptable.

  • You can also execute sp_setrepcol with a table name to display the replication status of all of the text, unitext, or image columns in the table, or with the table name and a text, unitext, or image column name to display the replication status of the specified column.

  • Using the replicate_if_changed option reduces the overhead of replicating text, unitext, or image columns. However, these restrictions and cautions apply:
    • If you specify the replicate_if_changed status for a column, any replication definition that includes the column must also have the replicate_if_changed status.

    • If you set the replication status of any column to replicate_if_changed, you cannot set autocorrection to “on” for any replication definition that includes the column.

    • If you use non-atomic subscription materialization and you have set the replicate_if_changed replication status for any text, unitext, or image columns, Replication Server displays a message in the error log file. This message warns you that the data may be inconsistent if an application modified the primary table during subscription materialization.

    • If your application allows rows to migrate into a subscription and you have set the replicate_if_changed replication status for any text, unitext, or imagecolumn, Replication Server displays a warning message in the error log when the row migrates into the subscription and the text or image data is missing.

      If a text, unitext, or image column with the replicate_if_changed status was not changed in an update operation at the primary table and the update causes the row to migrate into a subscription, the inserted row at the replicate table will be missing the text, unitext, or image data. Run the rs_subcmp program to reconcile the data in the replicate and primary tables.

      Row migration can occur when subscriptions have where clauses. Updating a column specified in the subscription where clause can cause a row to become valid for, or migrate into, the subscription.

      When this happens, Replication Server must execute an insert in the replicate database. An insert requires values for all of the columns, including text, unitext, or image columns that did not change in the primary database.

  • When tables are marked with sp_reptostandby, you cannot change the replication status of text, unitext, or image columns using sp_setrepcol; text, unitext, and image columns are always treated as replicate_if_changed.

  • If the warm standby application includes normal replication and you have marked tables with sp_reptostandby and sp_setreptable, text, unitext, or image data columns may be treated as always_replicate or replicate_if_changed.
    • If text, unitext, or image columns marked by sp_setreptable are specified always_replicate (the default), all text, unitext, and image columns are treated as always_replicate.

    • If text, unitext, or image columns are specified by sp_setrepcol as do_not_replicate or replicate_if_changed, all text, unitext, or image columns are treated as replicate_if_changed.

  • The order of the precedence on the index status is: column, table, database. If the table is marked to use indexes on text, unitext, image or rawobject columns, but you do not want to use indexes in one of the columns, the column status overrides the table status.

  • You cannot use drop index to manually drop indexes created for text, unitext, image, or rawobject replication. You can use only the supported replication stored procedures sp_reptostandby, sp_setreptable, and sp_setrepcol to change the replication index status.


sp_setrepcol requires “sa” or “dbo” permission or replication_role.

Related reference