sysadmin issue_ticket

Injects an rs_ticket marker into the inbound queue.


sysadmin issue_ticket {,q_number} |{,ds_name, db_name}, h1 [, h2 [, h3 [, h4]]] [,v]




When using the sysadmin issue_ticket command:
  • You must have at least one subscription from the replicated database in Replication Server. If there are no subscriptions, the Distributor (DIST) module will not send the rs_ticket marker to the corresponding Data Server Interface (DSI).

  • The timestamp for the primary database (PDB) and EXEC module is an arbitrary value in the injected rs_ticket marker.

  • You can specify a stable queue only by using q_number or ds_name, db_name. In a warm standby environment, an inbound queue is related to the logical connection, and Replication Server does not have inbound queue for the standby database. When using sysadmin issue_ticket for warm standby:

    • If the user specifies the stable queue by an existing logical connection or the physical connection for the active database, the specific rs_ticket marker is written into Replication Server inbound queue. The corresponding rs_ticket record can be found in both the replicate database and the standby database at the primary site.

    • If the user specifies the stable queue by an existing physical connection for the standby database, an error message appears indicating that no such inbound queue exists.