alter queue


Specifies the behavior of the stable queue that encounters a large message that is greater than 16K bytes. Applicable only when the Replication Server version is 12.5 or later and the Replication Server site version is 12.1 or earlier.


alter queue, q_number, q_type,
      set sqm_xact_with_large_msg [to] 	{skip | shutdown}
     set sqm_cache_enable to “on | off”
      set sqm_page_size to “numblocks"
      set sqm_cache_size to "numpages"



The queue number of the stable queue.


The queue type of the stable queue. Values are “0” for outbound queues and “1” for inbound queues.

sqm_xact_with_large_msg {skip | shutdown}

Specifies whether the SQM should skip the message or shut down, when a message larger than 16K bytes is encountered.

sqm_cache_enable to “on" | "off”

Enables or disables caching for the stable queue. Queue-level caching overrides server-level caching that is set using configure replication server. The default value of sqm_cache_enable is "on".


Sets the page size of the stable queue. Setting the page size at the queue level overrides server-level page size that is set using configure replication server. The default value of sqm_page_size is 4.


Specifies the number of 16K blocks in a page. Configuring the page size also sets the I/O size of Replication Server. For example, setting page size to 4 instructs Replication Server to write to the stable queue in 64K chunks. numblocks accepts values from 1 to 64.


Sets the cache size of the stable queue. Setting the cache size at the queue level overrides server-level cache size that is set using configure replication server. The default value of sqm_cache_size is 16.


Specifies the number of pages in the cache. The range is 1 to 512 pages.


Example 1

Shuts down queue number 2 if a large message is passed to the queue:

alter queue, 2, 0, set sqm_xact_with_large_msg to



alter queue requires "sa" permission.

See also

alter route, resume queue, resume route