admin show_connection_profiles


Lists the profile name, version, and comments for each profile defined in Replication Server.


admin show_connection_profiles[, “match_string”]



Filters the connection profiles displayed. Only those connection profiles whose names contain the string provided are displayed.


Example 1

Lists the names of all connection profiles currently defined in Replication Server:

admin show_connection_profiles
Profile Name                 Version  Comments
------------                 -------- ------------------------------
rs_ase_to_db2                standard Standard ASE to DB2 replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_ase_to_udb                standard Standard ASE to UDB replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_ase_to_oracle             standard Standard ASE to Oracle replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_ase_to_msss               standard Standard ASE to Microsoft SQLServer
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_ase_to_sqlany             standard Standard ASE to SQL Anywhere
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_ase_to_ase                standard Standard ASE to ASE replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_db2_to_msss               standard Standard DB2 to Microsoft SQLServer
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_db2_to_oracle             standard Standard DB2 to Oracle replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_db2_to_udb                standard Standard DB2 to UDB replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_db2_to_sqlany             standard Standard DB2 to SQL Anywhere
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_db2_to_ase                standard Standard DB2 to ASE replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_db2             standard Standard Oracle to DB2 replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_udb             standard Standard Oracle to UDB replication
                                       connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_msss            standard Standard Oracle to Microsoft
                                      SQLServer replication connection
rs_oracle_to_sqlany          standard Standard Oracle to SQL Anywhere
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_ase             standard Standard Oracle to ASE replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_msss_to_db2               standard Standard Microsoft SQLServer to DB2
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_msss_to_oracle            standard Standard Microsoft SQLServer to
                                     Oracle replication connection profile. 
rs_msss_to_udb               standard Standard Microsoft SQL Server to
                                      UDB replication connection profile.
rs_msss_to_sqlany            standard Standard Microsoft SQLServer to SQL
                                      Anywhere replication connection
rs_msss_to_ase               standard Standard MicrosoftSQL Server to ASE
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_udb_to_sqlany             standard Standard UDB to SQL Anywhere
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_udb_to_db2                standard Standard udb to db2 replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_udb_to_msss               standard Standard UDB to Microsoft SQLServer
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_udb_to_oracle             standard Standard UDB to Oracle replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_udb_to_ase                standard Standard UDB to ASE replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_sqlany_to_oracle          standard Standard SQL Anywhere to Oracle
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_sqlany_to_udb             standard Standard SQL Anywhere to UDB
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_sqlany_to_msss            standard Standard SQL Anywhere to Microsoft
                                SQLServer replication connection profile.
rs_sqlany_to_db2             standard Standard SQL Anywhere to DB2
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_sqlany_to_ase             standard Standard SQL Anywhere to ASE
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_db2_to_db2                standard Standard DB2 to DB2 replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_oracle          standard Standard Oracle to Oracle
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_udb_to_udb                standard Standard UDB to UDB replication
                                      connection profile. 
rs_msss_to_msss              standard Standard Microsoft SQLServer to
                                      Microsoft SQLServer replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_sqlany_to_sqlany          standard Standard SQL Anywhere to SQL
                                   Anywhere replication connection profile.

(36 rows affected)

Example 2

Lists the names of all connection profiles currently defined in Replication Server that have the string “oracle” in the connection profile name:

admin show_connection_profiles, “oracle”
Profile Name                 Version  Comments
----------------             -------- ------------------------------
rs_ase_to_oracle             standard Standard ASE to Oracle replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_db2_to_oracle             standard Standard DB2 to Oracle replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_db2             standard Standard Oracle to DB2 replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_udb             standard Standard Oracle to UDB replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_msss            standard Standard Oracle to Microsoft
                                      SQLServer replication connection
rs_oracle_to_sqlany          standard Standard Oracle to SQL Anywhere
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_ase             standard Standard Oracle to ASE replication
                                       connection profile.
rs_msss_to_oracle            standard Standard Microsoft SQLServer to
                                      Oracle replication connection
rs_udb_to_oracle             standard Standard UDB to Oracle replication
                                      connection profile.
rs_sqlany_to_oracle          standard Standard SQL Anywhere to Oracle
                                      replication connection profile.
rs_oracle_to_oracle          standard Standard Oracle to Oracle
                                      replication connection profile.


When creating connections with the using profile option, use admin show_connection_profiles to determine the name and version of the available profiles.

See also

create connection with using profile clause