add server


Adds a server to be monitored by the RMS.


add {ASA | ASE | DirectConnect | IQ | Replication Agent | MRA |
Replication Server | RMS | Open Server | dbltm} server_name
              set username [to] user
              [set password [to] passwd]
              [set charset [to] charset]
              [set language [to] lang]
              [set rssd_username [to] rssd_user]
              [set rssd_password [to] rssd_passwd]
              [set rssd_charset [to] rssd_charset]
              [set rssd_language [to] rssd_lang]
              [set monitoring [to] {'true' | 'false'}]
              [set interval [to] interval]
              [set connection_ds [to] ds]
              [set connection_db [to] db]


ASA, ASE, DirectConnect, IQ, Replication Agent, MRA, Replication Server, RMS, Open Server, dbltm

Specifies the type of server to add to the RMS. You can add a remote RMS to a controlling RMS.


Specifies the name of the server as listed in the RMS interfaces file or LDAP server.


Specifies the user name that the RMS uses when establishing a connection to the server. The user name must have the required permissions to allow the RMS to monitor the server.


Specifies the corresponding password that the RMS uses when establishing a connection.


Specifies the character set that the RMS uses when establishing a connection to the server. If you do not specify charset, jConnect uses the server’s default character set.


Specifies the language that the RMS uses when establishing a connection to the server. If you do not specify the language, jConnect uses the server’s default language.


Specifies the user name that the RMS uses when establishing a connection to the server that contains the RSSD. The user name must have the required permissions to allow the RMS to monitor the server. This parameter is required for a Replication Server.


Specifies the corresponding password that the RMS uses when establishing a connection to the server that contains the RSSD.


Specifies the character set that the RMS uses when establishing a connection to the server that contains the RSSD. If you do not provide the charset, jConnect uses the server’s default character set.


Specifies the language that the RMS uses when establishing a connection to the server that contains the RSSD. If you do not provide the language, jConnect uses the server’s default language.


Specifies whether the RMS is monitoring the state of the server and its components. If this value is false, monitoring for this server is disabled. If this value is true (the default), RMS automatically monitors this server.


Specifies the number of seconds between monitoring cycles. If the monitoring property is set to true, then RMS performs periodic monitoring based on the value of interval. For example, if the value is set to 120, the RMS checks the health of the server every 120 seconds. The range of values is 30 seconds to 1 hour and the default value for the interval is the value of ping_interval in RMS config.


Specifies the name of the primary data server. The dbltm sends ds.db to the Replication Server when replicating transactions. The ds must match the server name used in the Replication Server connection. This parameter is optional and is valid only for a dbltm server.


Specifies the name of the primary database. The dbltm server sends ds.db to the Replication Server when replicating transactions. The db must match the database name used in the Replication Server connection. This parameter is optional and is valid only for a dbltm server.


Example 1

Adds a Replication Server named INVENTORY_RS to the RMS. Uses the user name “sa” without a password, character set, or language when establishing a connection. Uses the user name “sa” and the password “sa_pwd” when establishing a connection to the RSSD:

add replication server INVENTORY_RS
    set username to sa
    set rssd_username to sa
    set rssd_password to sa_pwd

Example 2

Adds a server named INVENTORY_PDS to the RMS. Sets the user name, password, language, monitoring and interval:

    set username to sa
    set password to sa_ps
    set language to Japanese
    set monitoring to true
    set interval to 120


See also

configure server, connect to server, disconnect server, drop server, get servers, shutdown server