filter connection


Returns current filter settings, or sets the filter setting for a connection. The command can filter either the Replication Agent thread or the DSI thread status.


filter connection for replication_server_name [{rep agent | dsi} [={on | off}]]



Specifies the name of the connection to filter.


The name of the Replication Server to filter.

rep agent, dsi

Specifies the part of the connection to filter.

on, off

Sets filtering for the connection to either on or off.


Example 1

Returns the list of filter set for “inventory_pds.vendor” connection in prs1:

filter inventory_pds.vendor for prs1

Example 2

Hides the status of the DSI thread for the connection “inventory_pds.vendor” in prs1:

filter inventory_pds.vendor dsi for prs1 dsi = on

Example 3

Turns rep agent filtering off for the connection “inventory_pds.item” in prs1:

filter inventory_pds.item for prs1 rep agent = off


See also

get network spec, get threads