Select list summary

The select list can include * (all columns in create table order), a list of column names in any order, character strings, column headings, and expressions including arithmetic operators:

select titles.* 
from titles

select Name = au_fname, Surname = au_lname
from authors

select Sales = total_sales * price,
ToAuthor = advance,
ToPublisher = (total_sales * price) - advance
from titles 

select "Social security #", au_id 
from authors 

select this_year = advance, next_year = advance
   + advance/10, third_year = advance/2, 
    "for book title #", title_id 
from titles 

select "Total income is", 
Revenue = price * total_sales, 
"for", Book# = title_id 
from titles 

You can also include aggregate functions, which are discussed in Chapter 3, “Using Aggregates, Grouping, and Sorting.”