Installing in Silent Mode

Unattended or silent installations are typically used for updating multiple systems across the enterprise.


Create an installation response file.

A silent or unattended installation requires no user interaction, and all installation configuration information is taken from the response file. This is useful when you want multiple identical installations, or a fully automated installation.

  1. To install in silent mode, run:
    • On Windows (32-bit):
      \nt386\RMP_Suite\setupconsole32.exe -f responseFileName  
      -i silent -DAGREE_TO_SYBASE_LICENSE=true
    • On Windows (64-bit):
      \winx64\RMP_Suite\setupconsole64.exe -f responseFileName  
      -i silent -DAGREE_TO_SYBASE_LICENSE=true
    • responseFileName is the absolute path of the file name containing the installation options you chose.
    • The -D option specifies that you agree with the Sybase License Agreement text.
    Note: You must agree to the Sybase License Agreement when installing in silent mode. You can either:
    • Include the option -DAGREE_TO_SYBASE_LICENSE=true in the command line argument.
    • Edit the response file to include the property AGREE_TO_SYBASE_LICENSE=true.

    Except for the absence of the GUI screens, all actions of the installer are the same, and the result of an installation in silent mode is exactly the same as one performed in GUI mode with the same responses.

    Warning!   Sybase recommends that you use the setupconsole32.exe or setupconsole64.exe executable, which runs in the foreground when you are running a silent installation. The normal setupwin32.exe or setupwin64.exe executable runs in the background, giving you the impression that the installation has terminated, and results in additional installation attempts using the silent installation. Multiple installations at the same time may corrupt the Windows Registry and lead to a failure to restart the operating system.
Related tasks
Creating a Response File
Related reference
Command Line Options