Troubleshooting installation

For troubleshooting during GUI, console, or silent mode installation using an option file, enter the following at the command line where ERROR.log is the name of the log that will capture events specific to the console or silent mode installation:

setup.exe -silent -options REP.response -W SybaseLicense.agreeToLicense=true
-is:log ERROR.log -is:javaconsole


setupConsole.exe -silent -options REP.response -W
SybaseLicense.agreeToLicense=true is:log ERROR.log -is:javaconsole

The -is:log parameter creates an ERROR.log log file, and the -is:javaconsole parameter causes errors to be written to the screen.

NoteIf you encountered errors during installation using any installation mode, check the installation log file to see a record of the installation process. The log file is located in %SYBASE%\log.txt.

If this is the first time you have installed a Sybase product on this machine, InstallShield creates a Sybase installation directory. This directory contains the support files for all Sybase products.