kernel resource memory

kernel resource memory determines the size, in 2K pages, of the kernel resource memory pool from which all thread pools and other kernel resources are allocated memory.

Summary Information

Default value

  • Solaris – 6184

  • All other platforms – 4096

Range of values

75 – 2147483647



Display level


Required role

System administrator

Configuration group

Phsyical Memory

The amount of memory available for kernel resource memory depends on the value of max memory. If max memory has an insufficient amount of memory to allocate to kernel resource memory, SAP ASE issues an error message that includes the value to which you must raise max memory.

The amount of kernel resource memory SAP ASE requires is determined by a combination of the max online engines and number of user connections configuration parameters, and the amount of memory required by the monitoring system

The monitoring system is the largest consumer of kernel resource memory. For example, even when configured for the default number of users and engines, SAP ASE requires additional kernel resource memory to manage the large number of spinlocks caused by the number of open objects, locks, and so on.

For configurations of 8 engines or fewer, SAP recommends that you add one page of kernel resource memory for every two user connections above 100. For configurations of 9 engines or more, add 1 page of kernel resource memory for every user connection.

For example, a server with 6 engines and 200 user connections should add a value of 100 to the default value. A server with 16 engines and 10000 user connections would add a value of 10000 to the default value.