max online engines

Summary information

Default value


Range of values

1 – 1024 (threaded mode)

1 – 128 (process mode)



Display level


Required role

System administrator

Configuration groups

Memory Use, Processors

max online engines places an upper limit of the number of engine threads that can be brought online. It does not take into account the number of CPUs available at start-up, and allows users to add CPUs at a later date. See Chapter 5, Managing Mulitprocessor Servers,” in System Administration Guide: Volume 2 for a detailed discussion of how to set this parameter for your SMP environment.

At start-up, Adaptive Server starts with a single engine thread and completes its initialization, including recovery of all databases. Its final task is to allocate additional server engines. Each engine accesses common data structures in shared memory.

When tuning the max engines online parameter:

See Chapter 3, “Using Engines and CPUs” in the Performance and Tuning Series: Basics .