Example of sequence using dump and load database

This example shows the complete sequence you perform when using dump and load database, as described in “Shrinking a log before dump and load database”:

1> create database sales_db on sales_db_dev=3 log on sales_db_log1=3, 
    sales_db_log2=3, sales_db_log1=3, sales_db_log2=3
2> go
00:00:00000:00015:2011/01/21 09:38:28.29 server  Timestamp for database 
'sales_db' is (0x0000,
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_dev'
(1536 logical pages requested).
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log1' 
(1536 logical pages requested).
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log2' 
(1536 logical pages requested).
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log1' 
(1536 logical pages requested).
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log2' 
(1536 logical pages requested).
Warning: The database 'sales_db' is using an unsafe virtual device 'sales_db_dev'. 
The recovery of this database can not be guaranteed.
Database 'sales_db' is now online.
1> select * from sysusages where dbid=4
2> go

dbid segmap lstart size vstart location unreservedpgs  crdate            vdevno
---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- -------------  ------            ------
    4      3      0 1536      0       0           670  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM     1
    4      4   1536 1536      0       0          1530  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM     2
    4      4   3072 1536      0       0          1530  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM     3
    4      4   4608 1536   1536       0          1530  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM     2
    4      4   6144 1536   1536       0          1530  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM     3

(5 rows affected)
1> alter database sales_db log off sales_db_log2
2> select * from sysusages where dbid=4
3> go
dbid segmap lstart size vstart location unreservedpgs  crdate            vdevno
---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- -------------  ------            ------
    4     3      0 1536      0        0          670  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM     1
    4     4   1536 1536      0        0         1530  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM     2
    4     0   3072 1536   3072        4         1530  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM    -4
    4     4   4608 1536   1536        0         1530  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM     2

(4 rows affected)
1> sp_helpdb sales_db
2> go
 name     db_size       owner dbid  created      durability status
 -------- ------------- ----- ----  ------------ ---------- --------------
sales_db  9.0 MB        sa       4  Jan 21, 2011 full       no options set

(1 row affected)
device_fragments   size    usage      created               free kbytes
------------------ ------  ---------- ------------------    --------------
sales_db_dev       3.0 MB  data only  Jan 21 2011 9:38AM              1340
sales_db_log1      3.0 MB  log only   Jan 21 2011 9:38AM    not applicable
sales_db_log1      3.0 MB  log only   Jan 21 2011 9:38AM    not applicable

log only free kbytes = 6082, log only unavailable kbytes = 3072
(return status = 0)
1> dump database sales_db to "c:/temp/sales_db.dmp"
2> go
Backup Server session id is: 45. Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system
stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from
the Backup Server.
Backup Server: Creating new disk file c:/temp/sales_db.dmp.
Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'sales_db11021087C7  ' section number 1
mounted on disk file 'c:/temp/sales_db.dmp'
Backup Server: Database sales_db: 848 kilobytes (67%) DUMPED.
Backup Server: Database sales_db: 862 kilobytes (100%) DUMPED.
Backup Server: Dump phase number 1 completed.
Backup Server: Dump phase number 2 completed.
Backup Server: Dump phase number 3 completed.
Backup Server: Database sales_db: 870 kilobytes (100%) DUMPED.
Backup Server: DUMP is complete (database sales_db).
1> load database sales_db from "c:/temp/sales_db.dmp" with headeronly
2> go
Backup Server session id is: 48. Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system
stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from the Backup Server.
Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'sales_db11021087C7  ' section number 1 mounted
on disk file 'c:/temp/sales_db.dmp'
This is a database dump of database ID 4, name 'sales_db', from Jan 21 2011 9:39AM. ASE
version: lite_642236-1/Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7/EBF 18567 SMP
Drop#2/B/X64/Windows Server/aseasap/ENG/. Backup Server version: Backup
Server/15.7/B/X64/Windows Server/aseasap/ENG/64-bit/DEBUG/Thu Jan 20 11:12:51 2011.
Database page size is 2048.
Database contains 6144 pages; checkpoint RID=(Rid pageid = 0x604; row num = 0x12); next
object ID=560001995; sort order ID=50, status=0; charset ID=2.
Database log version=7; database upgrade version=35; database durability=UNDEFINED.
segmap: 0x00000003 lstart=0 vstart=[vpgdevno=1 vpvpn=0] lsize=1536 unrsvd=670
segmap: 0x00000004 lstart=1536 vstart=[vpgdevno=2 vpvpn=0] lsize=1536 unrsvd=1530
Unavailable disk fragment: lstart=3072 lsize=1536
segmap: 0x00000004 lstart=4608 vstart=[vpgdevno=2 vpvpn=1536] lsize=1536 unrsvd=1530
The database contains 6144 logical pages (12 MB) and 4608 physical pages (9 MB).
1> create database sales_db2 on sales_db_dev=3 log on sales_db_log1=6
2> go
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (3.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_dev'
(1536 logical pages requested).
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 3072 logical pages (6.0 megabytes) on disk 'sales_db_log1'
(3072 logical pages requested).
Warning: The database 'sales_db2' is using an unsafe virtual device 'sales_db_dev'. 
The recovery of this database can not be guaranteed.
Database 'sales_db2' is now online.
1> select * from sysusages where dbid=db_id("sales_db2")
2> go
dbid segmap lstart size vstart location unreservedpgs crdate             vdevno
---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- ------------- ------             ------
   5      3      0 1536   1536        0           670 Jan 26 2011 1:22AM      1
   5      4   1536 3072   3072        0          3060 Jan 26 2011 1:22AM      2

1> load database sales_db2 from "/tmp/sales_db.dmp"
2> go
Backup Server session id is: 10. Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system
stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from the Backup Server.
Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'sales_db1102602564  ' section number 1 mounted
on disk file '/tmp/sales_db.dmp'
Backup Server: Database sales_db2: 6148 kilobytes (33%) LOADED.
Backup Server: Database sales_db2: 9222 kilobytes (50%) LOADED.
Backup Server: Database sales_db2: 9230 kilobytes (100%) LOADED.
Backup Server: LOAD is complete (database sales_db2).
Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sales_db2'.
Database 'sales_db2', checkpoint=(1544, 22), first=(1544, 22), last=(1544, 22).
Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sales_db2'.
Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'sales_db2'.
Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'sales_db2'.
00:00:00000:00011:2011/01/26 05:12:15.86 server  Log contains all committed transactions
until 2011/01/26 01:55:15.71 for database sales_db2.
Started REDO pass for database 'sales_db2'. The total number of log records to process
is 1.
Completed REDO pass for database 'sales_db2'.
00:00:00000:00011:2011/01/26 05:12:15.88 server  Timestamp for database 'sales_db2' is
(0x0000, 0x00001612).
Use the ONLINE DATABASE command to bring this database online; ASE will not bring it
online automatically.
1> online database sales_db2
2> go
Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sales_db2'.
Database 'sales_db2', checkpoint=(1544, 22), first=(1544, 22), last=(1544, 22).
Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sales_db2'.
Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'sales_db2'.
Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'sales_db2'.
00:00:00000:00011:2011/01/26 05:12:22.49 server  Log contains all committed transactions
until 2011/01/26 01:55:15.71 for database sales_db2.
Recovery of database 'sales_db2' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
Database 'sales_db2' is now online.
1> select * from sysusages where dbid=db_id("sales_db2")
2> go
dbid segmap lstart size vstart location unreservedpgs crdate             vdevno
---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -------- ------------- ------             ------
   5      3      0 1536   1536        0           670 Jan 26 2011 5:12AM      1
   5      4   1536 1536   3072        0          1530 Jan 26 2011 5:12AM      2
   5      0   3072 1536   3072        4          1530 Jan 26 2011 5:12AM     -5
   5      4   4608 1536   4608        0          1530 Jan 26 2011 5:12AM      2