General Dialog Box

In the General dialog box, select when to commit transactions, how Interactive SQL acts when an error occurs, and whether to make a copy of scripts or commands into a log.

Lets you select when transactions are committed. You can commit transactions:
  • Automatically after each statement is executed, or
  • Only when you exit your Interactive SQL session

You can also commit manually by entering an explicit commit command whenever appropriate. The default behavior is that transactions are committed when you exit Interactive SQL.

Command files
Determines how Interactive SQL acts when an error occurs:
  • Continue – Interactive SQL displays the error message in the Results pane but does not exit. Correct the problem, then reissue the command.

  • Exit – Interactive SQL exits when an error occurs.

  • Notify and Continue – Interactive SQL displays the error message in a dialog box and describes the error but does not exit

  • Notify and Exit – Interactive SQL displays the error message in a dialog box, describes the error, and exits.

  • Notify and stop – Interactive SQL displays the error message and describes the error.

  • Prompt – the default setting. Interactive SQL displays a message box asking if you want to continue.

  • Stop – Interactive SQL displays the error message in the Results pane. Correct, then reissue the command.

Echo Command Files to Log

When you enable logging, this option causes SQL statements executed from script files (or command files) to be copied to the log along with the SQL statements entered interactively. If you disable this option, only SQL statements entered interactively are copied to the log when you start logging.


Determines in which directory the browser should start looking for files. Select either Last folder used or Current folder.