Creating a Server Certificate File that Adaptive Server Understands

To create a server certificate file that Adaptive Server understands, append the certificate requestor’s private key to the end of the signed certificate file.

Using example 2 above, you would cut and paste srv5_pkey.txt to the end of the signed certificate file, sybase_srv5.crt.

To create a trusted roots file that the server can load upon start-up:

  1. Rename trusted.txt to sybase_srv5.txt, where sybase_srv5.txt is the common name of the server.
  2. Copy the sybase_srv5.txt file into the Adaptive Server installation directory; for example, $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/certificates.

The options -s and -T together specify the time range for the certificate.

Use the file, which is required for an SSL-based session, to start the SSL-enabled Adaptive Server.

After the CA’s root certificate is created, use it to sign multiple server certificates.