Multiplex Upgrade

Run this procedure to upgrade a 15.x multiplex database to 15.4.

  1. Disconnect all users from the servers.
  2. Back up the database with the version of Sybase IQ you currently use.
  3. Shut down all nodes in the multiplex.
    If the server aborts or hangs during shutdown, stop and do not proceed to the next step. Instead restart the database with the Sybase IQ version you are currently using and shut down the server. Proceed to the next step only on a clean shutdown.
  4. Use Sybase IQ 15.4 to restart the coordinator with startup flags -iqmpx_sn 1, -gm 1 and -iqro 1.
    The -gm switch controls the number of connections. If SCC is running, use -gm 2 or the upgrade may fail.
  5. Start Interactive SQL and connect to the database.
  6. Use an ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE statement to upgrade the database.
    See Reference: Statements and Options > SQL Statements > ALTER DATABASE statement for more information.
  7. Run sp_iqcheckdb ('allocation database') and verify that there are no errors.
  8. Shut down and restart the coordinator normally (without the -iqmpx_sn 1, -gm 1 and -iqro 1 startup flags).
  9. Synchronize and restart all multiplex secondary servers.
  10. Back up the database.
Note: IQ now includes the concept of logical servers, which consist of one or more multiplex servers. The upgrade process changes the database configuration and modifies the login policies with appropriate logical server assignments to ensure that users continue to have access to same set of multiplex servers that they did prior to upgrade. Review the updated configuration and if needed, further modify it to suit your requirements.
Related concepts
Sybase IQ Login Policy Migration
Login Policy Migration Example
Related tasks
Simplex Upgrade