Character values

Character values contained in char, varchar, or text columns require additional processing. Character values in SQL data can contain characters with special significance in XML: the quote ("), apostrophe ('), less-than (<), greater-than (>), and ampersand (&) characters. When SQL character values are represented as XML attribute or element values, they must be replaced by the XML entities that represent them: @quot; &apos;, &lt;, &gt;, and &amp;.

The following example shows a SQL character value containing XML markup characters. The character literal in the SQL select command doubles the apostrophe, using the SQL convention governing embedded quotes and apostrophes.

select '<name>"Baker''s"</name>'

The following example shows SQLX mapping of that character value, with the XML markup characters replaced by their XML entity representations:

select '<name>"Baker''s"</name>' for xml
<resultset xmlns:xsi="

