Generating tables using select

All the tables generated in this section, except the depts table, have a column pattern that uses the XPath ancestor notation to reference:

This notation “flattens” nested data. For more information about flattening XML data, see Chapter 7, “xmltable()”.

emps table

In this select statement, the column pattern for the dept_id column references the <dept_id>element in the <dept>, which contains the current <emp>.

declare @ dept_doc xml
select @dept_doc = doc from sample_docs where name_doc = 'depts'
select * into emps from xmltable('//emp' passing @dept_doc
	columns emp_id char(4),
	emp_name varchar(50),
	salary money,
	dept_id char(4) pattern '../../dept_id') as dept_extract
select * from emps
emp_id             emp_name               salary         dept_id
---------          -------------------    --------       --------
E123               Alex Allen             912.34         D123
E234               Bruce Baker            923.45         D123
E345               Carl Curtis            934.56         D123
E456               Don Davis              945.67         D234
E567               Earl Evans             956.78         D234
E678               Fred Frank             967.89         D345
E789               George Gordon          978.90         D345
E890               Hank Hartley           NULL           D345
E901               Isaak Idle             990.12         D345

phones table

In the phones table, the column pattern for the emp_id column references the <emp_id> element in <emp>, which contains the current element <phone>.

declare @ dept_doc xml
select @ dept_doc
	= doc from sample_docs where name_doc='depts'
select * into phones
	from xmltable('//phone' passing @ dept_doc
		columns emp_id char(4),'../../emp_id'
			phone_no varchar(50)) as dept_extract
select * from phones
emp_id                 phone_no
--------                ------------
E123                    510.555.1987
E123                    510.555.1876
E234                    203.555.2333
E345                    408.555.3123
E345                    415.555.3987
E345                    650.555.3777
E567                    650.555.5001
E678                    408.555.6111
E678                    408.555.6222
E789                    510.555.7654
E901                    925.555.9991
E901                    650.555.9992
E901                    415.555.9993

projects table

In the projects table, the column pattern for the dept_id column references the <dept_id> element, in the <dept> that contains the current <project>.

declare @ dept_doc xml
select @ dept_doc
	= doc from sample_docs where name_doc='depts'
select * into projects
	from xmltable('//project' passing @ dept_doc
		columns project_id char(4),
		budget money,
			dept_id char(4)pattern '../../dept_id') 
			as dept_extract
select * from projects
project_id      budget         dept_id
----------      -------        --------
PABC            598.76         D123  
PBCD            587.65         D123
PCDE            576.54         D123
PDEF            565.43         D234
PEFG            554.32         D234
PFGH            543.21         D345
PGHI            NULL           D345
PHIJ            521.09         D345

depts table

declare @ dept_doc xml
select @ dept_doc
	= doc from sample_docs where name_doc='depts'
select * into depts
	from xmltable('//dept' passing @ dept_doc
		columns dept_id char(4),
			dept_name char(4)) as dept_extract
select * from depts
dept_id                 dept_name
--------                ------------
D123                    Main
D234                    Auxiliary
D345                    Repair