XML document types

A document type definition (DTD) defines the structure of a class of XML documents, making it possible to distinguish between classes. A DTD is a list of element and attribute definitions unique to a class. Once you have set up a DTD, you can reference that DTD in another document, or embed it in the current XML document.

The DTD for XML Order documents, discussed in “A sample XML document” on page 3 looks like this:

<!ELEMENT Order (Date, CustomerId, CustomerName, Item+)>
 <!ELEMENT CustomerId (#PCDATA)>
 <!ELEMENT CustomerName (#PCDATA)>
 <!ELEMENT Item (ItemId, ItemName, Quantity)>
 <!ELEMENT ItemName (#PCDATA)>
 <!ELEMENT Quantity (#PCDATA)>
 <!ATTLIST Quantity units CDATA #IMPLIED>

Line by line, this DTD specifies that:

The character text of XML documents is not constrained. For example, there is no way to specify that the text of a quantity element should be numeric, and thus the following display of data would be valid:

<Quantity unit=”Baker’s dozen”>three</Quantity>
<Quantity unit=”six packs”>plenty</Quantity>

Restrictions on the text of elements must be handled by the applications that process XML data.

An XML’s DTD must follow the <?xml version="1.0"?> instruction. You can either include the DTD within your XML document, or you can reference an external DTD.

DTDs are not required for XML documents. However, a valid XML document has a DTD and conforms to that DTD.