Titles table representation

This section shows the XML representation of selected columns of the titles table.

set stringsize 16384
select text_doc from sample_docs
where name_doc='titles' 


     <title>The Busy Executive’s Data Base

     <title>Cooking with Computers:
               Surreptitious Balance Sheets</title>
     <type>business </type>

     <title>You Can Combat Computer Stress!</title>
     <type>business </type>

     <title>Straight Talk About Computers</title>
     <type>business </type>

     <title>Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats</title>

     <title>The Gourmet Microwave</title>

     <title>The Psychology of Computer Cooking</title>

     <title>But Is IT User Friendly?</title>

     <title>Secrets of Silicon Valley</title>

     <title>Net Etiquette</title>

     <title>Computer Phobic and Non-Phobic
         Individuals: Behavior Variations</title>
     <type>psychology </type>

     <title>Is Anger the Enemy?</title>
     <type>psychology </type>

     <title>Life Without Fear</title>
     <type>psychology </type>

     <title>Prolonged Data Deprivation:
           Four Case Studies</title>

     <title>Emotional Security:
         A New Algorithm</title>
     <type>psychology </type>

     <title>Onions, Leeks, and Garlic:
        Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean</title>
     <type>trad_cook </type>

     <title>Fifty Years in Buckingham
          Palace Kitchens</title>
     <type>trad_cook </type>

     <title>Sushi, Anyone?</title>
     <type>trad_cook </type>


(1 row affected)