Message ID 20051 to 20102


Message text

Explanation and action


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: There is no such pool as <POOL_NAME>

The pool specified for this registered procedure does not exist in this server. Run rp_pool_status to see available pool names.



A relative position string must be matched with a relative pool in this registered procedure command. See the OpenSwitch Administration Guide for the correct syntax to specify a relative position for a pool.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Error creating pool <POOL_NAME>, see log file

OpenSwitch was unable to create the pool as specified by the registered procedure. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details.



This is an informational message: the registered procedure was successful in creating the specified pool.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: A valid pool name must be supplied

The command did not specify the pool name parameter for this registered procedure. See the OpenSwitch Administration Guide and rerun the command with the correct parameter(s).


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Error destroying pool <POOL_NAME>, see log file

OpenSwitch was unable to drop the pool as specified by the registered procedure. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details.



This is an informational message: The rp_pool_drop command was successful.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: There is no such server as <SERVERNAME> in pool <POOL_NAME>

There is no server by this name in the specified pool. Run rp_pool_help <POOL_NAME> to see the servers in that pool.



A relative position string must be matched with a relative server in this registered procedure command. See the OpenSwitch Administration Guide for the correct syntax to use when specifying a relative position for a server.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Error adding server <SERVERNAME> to pool <POOL_NAME>, see log file

OpenSwitch was unable to add the server to the pool specified by the registered procedure. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details.



This is an informational message: the rp_pool_addserver command was successful.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Error removing server <SERVERNAME> from pool <POOL_NAME>, see log file

OpenSwitch was unable to remove the server from the pool as specified by the registered procedure. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details.



This is an informational message: the rp_pool_remserver command was successful.



The valid attributes are: username, appname, hostname, type. OpenSwitch does not recognize any other attribute names.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Error adding attribute <ATTRIBUTE> to pool <POOL_NAME>, see log file

OpenSwitch has was unable to add the attribute to the pool as specified by the registered procedure. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Attribute <ATTRIBUTE> successfully added to pool <POOL_NAME>

This is an informational message: the rp_pool_addattrib command was successful.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Error removing attribute <ATTRIBUTE> from pool <POOL_NAME>, see log file

OpenSwitch was unable to remove the attribute from the pool as specified by the registered procedure. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Attribute <ATTRIBUTE> successfully removed from pool <POOL_NAME>

This is an informational message: the rp_pool_remattrib command was successful.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Invalid value for @position, use HEAD, TAIL, BEFORE, or AFTER

Rerun this registered procedure with a valid value for @position.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Invalid value for @status, use UP, DOWN, or LOCKED

Rerun this registered procedure with a valid value for @status.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>:Invali d value for @mode, use CHAINED, or BALANCED

Rerun this registered procedure with a valid value for the @mode parameter.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: The <PARAMETER_NAME> parameter must be supplied

Rerun this registered procedure with the parameter specified.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: The @action parameter must be ADD, DELETE, or SHOW surrounded by double quotes

Rerun this registered procedure with a valid value for @action.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: The <PARAMETER_NAME> parameter must be supplied with an ""add"" action

Rerun this registered procedure with the parameter specified.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Internal <FUNCTION_NAME> error, see log file

This is an internal OpenSwitch error. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: The <FEATURE_NAME> has not been implemented

This registered procedure is not implemented in this release of OpenSwitch. See the OpenSwitch Administration Guide for a list of implemented registered procedures.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Unable to get server list

This internal OpenSwitch error occurred during rp_server_status. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Error releasing global list of servers

This is an internal OpenSwitch error. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Unable to change server status of <STATUS> to <new_status>

OpenSwitch was unable to change the status of the server to the new status as specified by the registered procedure. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.



The server name specified for the registered procedure is invalid. Rerun your command with another server name.



Rerun this registered procedure with the parameter specified.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Illegal parameter name or value, see log file

See the OpenSwitch Administration Guide for the correct syntax for this registered procedure. Rerun your command with the correct set of parameters and values.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Unable to get value of option <OPTION_NAME>

OpenSwitch is unable to retrieve the setting of the option as specified by the registered procedure. Check that the option for which you are executing rp_set is valid and rerun the command.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Unable to set server name for spid <ID>

This is an internal OpenSwitch error. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Unable to queue stop for spid <ID>

OpenSwitch has encountered an error while trying to stop the client specified by spid. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Unable to wake up stop for spid <ID>

OpenSwitch is unable to restart a previously stopped thread specified by this spid. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Error queuing switch request to spid <ID>

OpenSwitch was unable to switch the thread identified by this spid to the secondary server. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


Unable to route connection to an available server

During a failover or a switch, OpenSwitch is unable to route the connection to the secondary server. Check that your secondary server is running and accepting connections, and that it is added to the [POOL] section of your OpenSwitch configuration file.


<REGISTERED_PROCEDURE_NAME>: Queued <event_name> event for <N> spid

This is an informational message: this registered procedure affected <N> number of threads.


rp_switch: @force must be 0 or 1

Rerun the rp_switch command using a value of 0 or 1 for @force.


rp_switch: @grace must be 0 when @force is 1

Rerun the rp_switch command using @grace =0 and @force=1.


<FUNCTION_NAME>: Unable to determine user name of your connection

This is an internal OpenSwitch error. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


<FUNCTION_NAME>: Unable to determine user type of your connection

This is an internal OpenSwitch error. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


<FUNCTION_NAME>: Unable to determine password of your connection

This is an internal OpenSwitch error. Check the OpenSwitch error log for details, and call Sybase Technical Support for assistance.


Administrator access granted

This user connection has been granted OpenSwitch administrator access. This message is seen when the user logs in as an administrator using ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_PASSWORD. This administrator role allows the user to run all the registered procedures, as well as sp_who. It is not the same as the administrator role of Adaptive Server.


BCP IN operation is not allowed in OpenSwitch.

bcp in is prohibited from this OpenSwitch server. See the OpenSwitch Administration Guide to check your options for running bcp in on OpenSwitch.


WARNING: a failover has occurred to an ASE and the TDS level that is being used is not the same as the TDS level that was used for the initial connection. This may cause problems with your client applications. If it does then drop and reestablish the client connection.

This is a warning to the client that the secondary Adaptive Server is not at the same TDS level as the primary server. Therefore, a client application may not behave normally after the failover. To eliminate this risk, ensure that the primary and secondary servers are at the same TDS level.


WARNING: a failover has occurred to an ASE that doesn't support all the capabilities that the original ASE supported. This may cause problems with your client applications. If it does then drop and reestablish the client connection.

This is a warning to the client that the secondary Adaptive Server may not support all the capabilities that are supported by the primary server. If a client application relies on some of these capabilities, it may not behave normally after the failover. To eliminate this risk, ensure that the primary and secondary servers support the same capabilities.


WARNING: CS_NOWIDETABLES was set in the response capabilities of the ASE that the original connection was made to. In the server that is being failed over to CS_NOWIDETABLES is not set in the response capabilities. This may cause problems with your application. If it does then disconnect and reconnect to OpenSwitch.

This is a warning to the client that the secondary Adaptive Server does not support the CS_NOWIDETABLES capability as does the primary server. To eliminate this error, ensure that both servers are running at the same TDS level and support the same capabilities.


Register Procedure '%1' requires at least %2 argument(s) and only %3 argument(s) was supplied. Please check the OpenSwitch documentation for the proper usage.

The registered procedure executed has received an incorrect number of arguments.


%1: Cannot modify Static or Non- Existing parameter '%2' at runtime. Please See OpenSwitch Documentation for additional information

An attempt was made to reset a configuration parameter which cannot be dynamically reconfigured, or does not exist. Please See the OpenSwitch Administration Guide for the valid configuration parameters to set for OpenSwitch.


Your connection is blocked until a CM becomes available. Contact your Systems Administrator about this error.

A coordination module is necessary to process any incoming requests (COORD_MODE=ENFORCED) to this OpenSwitch server, but no coordination module is currently connected. Therefore, the OpenSwitch server has rejected this connection until a coordination module is available.


The pool or server which your application is trying to connect to is currently locked. Please try again at a later time.

This informational message is reported to the client if the NOWAIT_ON_LOCKED option is set to 1, and the pool or server that the connection is supposed to use is in a LOCKED state.


<REGISERED PROC> Cannot switch spid <spid #> because the target pool/server has a LOCKED status.

This informational message is reported to the administrator if the NOWAIT_ON_LOCKED option is set to 1, and rp_switch failed due to the next server/pool being locked.