New MIT Kerberos Libraries Support Sybase Kerberos Driver

The new MIT Kerberos libraries, version 4.0.1 for Windows 64-bit can be used with the Sybase Kerberos driver, libsybskrb64.dll.

To use the MIT Kerberos GSS library on Windows 64-bit, add this entry to the SECURITY section of your %SYBASE%\OCS-15_0\ini\libtcl64.cfg file:
csfkrb5=libsybskrb64.dll secbase=@MYREALM libgss=C:\Kerberos_winx64\bin\gssapi64.dll
Here C:\Kerberos_winx64 is the location of your MIT Kerberos installation.
Note: The path to the Kerberos gssapi library cannot contain any spaces.