Examples of Managing Data Batches

Two examples are available for managing data batches.

Example 1

Sends a batch of parameters to the server without binding parameter arrays:
// Setting the SQL_ATTR_BATCH_PARAMS attribute to start
// the batch
sr = SQLSetConnectAttr(dbc, SQL_ATTR_BATCH_PARAMS,
printError(sr, SQL_HANDLE_DBC, dbc);

// Bind the parameters. This can be done once for the entire batch
sr = SQLBindParameter(stmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, 
   SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, l1, 0, &c1, l1, &l1);
sr = SQLBindParameter(stmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_LONGVARCHAR, l2, 0, buffer, l2, &l2);

// Run a batch of 10 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   c1 = i;
   memset(buffer, 'a'+i, l2);
   sr = SQLExecDirect(stmt, insertStmt, SQL_NTS);
   printError(sr, SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt);

Example 2

Ends and closes a batch:
// Setting the SQL_ATTR_BATCH_PARAMS attribute to end
// the batch
sr = SQLSetConnectAttr(dbc, SQL_ATTR_BATCH_PARAMS,
printError(sr, SQL_HANDLE_DBC, dbc);

// Call SQLExecDirect one more time to close the batch
// - Due to SQL_BATCH_LAST_NO_DATA, this will not 
// process the parameters
sr = SQLExecDirect(stmt, insertStmt, SQL_NTS);
printError(sr, SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt);