New SYBOCS_TCL_CFG Environment Variable for Setting Alternate Path to libtcl*.cfg Files

Starting with ESD#4, you can use the new SYBOCS_TCL_CFG environment variable to set the alternate full path name of the libtcl.cfg and libtcl64.cfg files.

For example:


set SYBOCS_TCL_CFG c:\joe\libctl.cfg


%setenv SYBOCS_TCL_CFG /usr/u/joe/libtcl.cfg

By default, the libtcl.cfg and libtcl64.cfg files are searched in the %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\ini directory on Windows and in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/config directory on UNIX.

You can also use the CS_LIBTCL_CFG property to set the alternate path for the libtcl.cfg and libtcl64.cfg files.