Example 2

Use the sample program to retrieve rows from the pubs2 authors table, insert them into tempdb, and append new rows for batch insert. The program then prints the updated authors table to STDOUT, disconnects, and exits.

use strict;

use DBI ();
use DBD::SybaseASE ();

require_version DBI 1.51;

# trace(n) where n ranges from 0 - 15. 
# use 2 for sufficient detail.
#DBI->trace(2); # 0 - 15, use 2 for sufficient detail

# Login credentials, handles and other variables. 
my $uid = "sa";
my $pwd = "";
my $srv = $ENV{"DSQUERY"} || die 'DSQUERY appears not set';
my $dbase = "tempdb";
my $temp_table = "$dbase..authors";

my $rows;
my $col1;
my $col2;
my $dbh;
my $sth;
my $rc;

# Connect to the target server:
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SybaseASE:server=$srv;database=$dbase",
	$uid, $pwd, {PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) 
	|| die "Connect failed, did you set correct credentials?";

# Switch to the pubs2 database.
$rc = $dbh->do("use pubs2") || die "Could not change to pubs2";

# Retrieve 2 columns from pubs2..authors table.
$sth = $dbh->prepare(
	"select au_lname, city from authors where state = 'CA'")
	|| die "Prepare select on authors table failed";

$rc = $sth->execute 
	|| die "Execution of first select statement failed";

# We may have rows now, present them.
$rows = dump_info($sth);
print "\nTotal # rows: $rows\n\n";

# Switch back to tempdb, we take a copy of pubs2..authors
# and insert some rows and present these.
$rc = $dbh->do("use $dbase") || die "Could not change to $dbase";

# Drop the authors table in tempdb if present
$rc = $dbh->do("if object_id('$temp_table') != NULL drop table
	|| die "Could not drop $temp_table";

# No need to create a tempdb..authors table as the select into will
# do that.

$rc = $dbh->do("select * into $temp_table from pubs2..authors") 
	|| die "Could not select into table $temp_table";

# Example of a batch insert...
$sth = $dbh->prepare("
	insert into $temp_table 
	(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
		country, postalcode) values 
	('172-39-1177', 'Simpson', 'John', '408 496-7223', 
		'10936 Bigger Rd.', 'Menlo Park', 'CA', 'USA', '94025')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode) values
('212-49-4921', 'Greener', 'Morgen', '510 986-7020', 
	'309 63rd St. #411', 'Oakland', 'CA', 'USA', '94618')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode ) values
('238-95-4766', 'Karson', 'Chernobyl', '510 548-7723', 
	'589 Darwin Ln.', 'Berkeley', 'CA', 'USA', '94705')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode ) values
('267-41-4394', 'OLeary', 'Mich', '408 286-2428', 
	'22 Cleveland Av. #14', 'San Jose', 'CA', 'USA', '95128')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode ) values
('274-80-4396', 'Straight', 'Shooter', '510 834-2919', 
	'5420 College Av.', 'Oakland', 'CA', 'USA', '94609')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode ) values
('345-22-1785', 'Smiths', 'Neanderthaler', '913 843-0462', 
	'15 Mississippi Dr.', 'Lawrence', 'KS', 'USA', '66044')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode ) values
('405-56-7012', 'Bennetson', 'Abra', '510 658-9932', 
	'6223 Bateman St.', 'Berkeley', 'CA', 'USA', '94705')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode ) values
('427-17-2567', 'Dullest', 'Annie', '620 836-7128', 
	'3410 Blonde St.', 'Palo Alto', 'CA', 'USA', '94301')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode ) values
('527-72-3246', 'Greene', 'Mstar', '615 297-2723', 
	'22 Graybar House Rd.', 'Nashville', 'TN', 'USA', '37215')

insert into $temp_table 
(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, 
	country, postalcode ) values
('672-91-3249', 'Yapan', 'Okiko', '925 935-4228', 
	'3305 Silver Ct.', 'Walnut Creek', 'CA', 'USA', '94595')

$rc = $sth->execute || die "Could not insert row";

# Retrieve 2 columns from tempdb..authors table and present these
$sth = $dbh->prepare(
	"select au_lname, city from $temp_table where state = 'CA'")
	|| die "Prepare select on $temp_table table failed";

$rc = $sth->execute 
	|| die "Execution of second select statement failed";

# Output
$rows = dump_info($sth);
print "\nTotal # rows: $rows";
print "\n";

sub dump_info {
	my $sth = shift;
	my @display;
	my $rows = 0;

while(@display = $sth->fetchrow) {
	foreach (@display) {
	$_ = '' unless defined $_;
	$col1 = $display[0];
	$col2 = $display[1];

# The FORMAT template for this example.
format STDOUT_TOP =

Lastname			City
--------			-------

format STDOUT =

@<<<<<<<<<<<<	@<<<<<<<<<<<<
$col1, $col2
